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購物滿 HKD 450.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 特定的送貨方式 )

DAHLE 597 : 德國達樂牌專業物料鍘刀連条狀切割器, 可切長550mm, 厚3.5mm



DAHLE 597 德國達樂牌專業物料鍘刀連条狀切割器, 可切長550mm, 厚3.5mm 上下刀採用德國Solingen鋼制造, 上弧型鍘刀加下平刀, 切割時同時磨刀, 令切割非常完美。 備有自動檔刀板, 刀向下切時, 刀檔板會自動降下防止切到手. 備有可自選切紙時是否需要壓實紙張,適合切割有凸凹紋紙品不會受壓。 另備有條狀切割器, 可切割纸条。 可切割多種材料: 醋酸纖維紗,丙炔京纖維,粘合薄膜,膠粘帶,鋁片,人造絲(最厚0.06英寸),輕木,丁酯,薄紙板,合成樹脂,椰殼纖維,銅箔,軟木,瓦楞紙,氈,法蘭絨,亞麻纖維板,亞麻紙板,金片,腸織物,硬紙(第二類),黃麻布,標籤膜,標籤紙,乳膠,乳膠海綿,平滑皮革,亞麻布,薄紗,氯丁橡膠,塑料綱,尼龍,尼龍網狀結構,紙,感光紙,照相膠卷,塑料薄膜,軟泡沫塑料,泡沫塑料,塑料滌綸紗,緊笨乙烯膨脹塑料,PVC塑料(最厚0.08英寸),印刷電路板,PVC膜,灑椰葉纖維,橡膠發泡,橡膠板,彈力織物,貼面木。 2 scale bars Sturdy, solid-steel blade holder for optimum guidance of the screw-mounted upper blade Screw-mounted, ground upper blade for cutting precision Screw-mounted, ground lower blade for exact results High-quality, re-sharpenable blades made of Solingen steel for long-lasting cutting quality Perfected automatic safety guard for reliable protection and unobstructed vision while working Blades can be sharpened Clamp can be applied manually or deactivated High-quality guillotines for commercial use Sturdy metal table with non-slip rubber feet for firm standing Practical format lines on the table facilitate exact alignment of the item being cut Sturdy handle with generous hand protection guard for a safe grip while cutting Stay-down D-bar clamp holds item being cut perfectly in place Accurately fitting scale bar with mm scale for an exact 90° cut Adjustable, screw-fastening backstop in metal for quickly finding the right format – can be used on both scale bars Pull-out front stop, up to 210 mm for cutting strips of equal width Product name 567 Cutting length 550 mm DIN A3 Cutting capacity 3.5 mm Cutting capacity A4 80 g/sm* 35 sheets Table size (overall dimensions) 600 mm x 365 mm Weight net 14.7 kg * The indicated sheet capacity for cutting machines is due to standard paper weight of 80 gsm but is still subject to texture, quality and state of paper. All of such information is based on the general formula 10 sheets = 1 mm stack height and may only be used as an aid to orientation for the selection of the cutting machine.
