We use 100% Natural Fragrances
All of our Original Source shower gels use 100% natural fragrances. Every last bit of it is from nature. We’re inspired by nature, from our bold scents and vibrant colours, it is a wonderful thing that we’ve made our mission to harness in order to share fresh sensorial hits in every shower.
Lift the cap on our shower gels, take in the aroma and watch as our fragrances stimulate your senses with nature’s power.
Simply put, we’re Vegan because we love animals!
We’ve been certified Vegan by the Vegan Society since 2003, and we carry its logo proudly on all our bottles. As the UK’s number 1 Vegan shower gel* brand, all of our products are vegan friendly, and we will always champion the Vegan message.
The Vegan Society is internationally recognised for authentic vegan products free from animal ingredients and animal testing. To gain accreditation we have to comply with a catalogue of stringent checks, but it’s worth it.
Products must be:
- Free from animal products, by-products & derivatives
- Manufacturing processes must be free from animal products, by-products and derivatives
- Free from animal testing
- Free from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that include animal genes.
- Manufacturers and suppliers are also expected to take all reasonable steps to eliminate cross-contamination.
We care about where all our ingredients come from.
That is why we source our intense natural fragrances with people and nature in mind. We’ve found that working with the right people means that responsible sourcing results in great, quality fragrances that enrich people’s lives, from local farmers, to perfumers, manufacturers, marketers and you, our consumers.
Take mint for example. We’ve used mint since we began in 1996. Mint is an amazing natural essential oil that delivers a cooling menthol sensation. Or as we like to call it, the ultimate tingle factor. So let’s have a look at where our mint comes from.